Doctor Profile

Theodore H. Schwartz

Theodore Schwartz

Theodore H. Schwartz, MD

New York, NY

New York

New York (NY)

Neurological Surgery; Otolaryngology

Neurological Surgery



Dr. Schwartz is among the nation’s leading neurological surgeons specializing in brain tumor and epilepsy surgery. He has been named to the lists of New York’s Super Doctors, Best Doctors in New York magazine, America’s Top Surgeons, America’s Best Doctors, and America’s Best Doctors for Cancer. His research has been widely published and he has received numerous national awards. Dr. Schwartz has also appeared in the media on ABC, NBC, CBS, and Larry King, in addition to national radio shows. He is particularly known for advancing the use of state-of-the-art intraoperative technology, such as minimally invasive endoscopy, brain mapping, and intraoperative imaging. At Weill Cornell, he is Director of the Center for Epilepsy and Pituitary Surgery and Co-Director of Surgical Neuro-oncology. Dr. Schwartz was recently named David and Ursel Barnes Professor in Minimally Invasive Surgery, the first endowed professorship in the department. 

Dr. Schwartz received both his undergraduate and medical degrees from Harvard University, where he graduated magna cum laude. Following completion of his residency and chief residency at The Neurological Institute of New York at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, Dr. Schwartz received further training in surgical treatment of brain tumors and epilepsy at Yale-New Haven Medical Center, as well as further research training at the Max Planck Institute in Germany. Dr. Schwartz is board-certified in Neurological Surgery.

Dr. Schwartz’s NIH-funded laboratory has pioneered new techniques in brain mapping using optical recording technology. He is also involved in several clinical trials for treating brain tumors using vaccines, radiolabelled antibodies, and implanted devices for administering chemotherapy.

Dr. Schwartz has received numerous awards for his innovative work from notable institutions such as the NIH, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the CURE Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and the DANA Foundation. He was the recipient of the prestigious Van Wagenen and Von Humboldt Fellowships. He frequently lectures around the world and was an honored guest lecturer at the Society for British Neurosurgery in Scotland, the Mexican Neurosurgery Congress, the First Workshop on Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery in Shanghai, the World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain in Vienna, and the Bombay Neurological Society in India. He has been awarded the Synthese skull base award for developing novel minimal-access approaches to skull base and pituitary tumors. He is the co-author of two books on endoscopic skull base surgery and endoscopic pituitary surgery.

Published In:

New York Super Doctors 2024
New York Super Doctors 2023
New York Super Doctors 2022
New York Super Doctors 2021
New York Super Doctors 2020
New York Super Doctors 2019
New York Super Doctors 2018
New York Super Doctors 2017
New York Super Doctors 2016
New York Super Doctors 2015
New York Super Doctors 2014
New York Super Doctors 2012
New York Super Doctors 2011
New York Super Doctors 2010
New York Super Doctors 2009
New York Super Doctors 2008

About Theodore Schwartz

Medical School: Harvard Medical School

Graduation Year: 1993

Professional Webpage:

Honors and Awards:

John Harvard Scholarship for Academic Achievement, 1985-87
Hoopes Prize for Senior Thesis– Harvard College, 1987
Magna Cum Laude – Harvard College, 1987
Harvard Medical Student Research Fellowship, 1991
Magna Cum Laude – Harvard Medical School, 1993
Central Neuropsychiatric Association Resident Award, Honorable Mention 1996
Academy Award, The American Academy of Neurological Surgeons, Honorable Mention, 1997
Junior Investigator Award, American Epilepsy Society, 1997
Epilepsy Foundation Research/Clinical Training Fellowship, 1999
Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship, 1999
William P. Van Wagenan Fellowship, 2000
German Academic Exchange (DAAD) Award, 2000
Academy Award, The American Academy of Neurological Surgeons, Honor. Mention, 2000
Junior Investigator Award, Epilepsy Foundation of America, 2001-02
Young Clinician Investigators Award, NREF, AANS, 2001-02
The Goldenberg Lectureship, St. Francis Hospital, W. Hartford, CT, 2002
NINDS K08 (NS 43799), 2002-07
The Dana Foundation Program in Clinical Imaging Award, 2002-05
NINDS R21 (NS 42325), 2002-05
NINDS R01 (NS 94822), 2004-08
NIH Study Section (NCRR GCRC Site visit), 2005
NIH Study Section (NSD C), 2005-06
NINDS Research Supplement for Minorities – Preceptor, 2005-06
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, EFA – Preceptor, 2006-07
MHHC Foundation Health Leadership Award, 2006
Synthes Skull Base Award, CNS, 2006
NINDS NSD-C Permanent Member, 2006-2010
Univ. of Pitt. Neurosurgery Chairman Interview, 2007
NIBIB Study Section 06-003 RFA, 2007
NINDS, study section ZNS1 SRB-B, 2008
Visiting Professor, UCLA, 2008
George Ehni Lectureship, Visiting Professor, Baylor School of Medicine, 2008
Faculty of 1000 Biology, PNAS paper, 2008
New York Superdoctors, 2008-present
Faculty of 1000 Medicine, Epilepsia Paper, 2008
Visiting Professor, Stanford University, 2008
NINDS, study section ZNS1 SRB-S, 2008
Top Doctors, New York Metro Area, Castle Connolly, 2008-present
America’s Top Surgeons, Castle Connelly, 2008-present
Top Doctors, New York Magazine, 2009-present
NINDS study section, ZNS-1 SRB-B 12, 2009
Visiting Professor, UCSD, 2009
The Global Directory of Who’s Who (Top Doctors), 2009-present
America’s Top Doctors for Cancer, Castle Connelly, 2010-present
NIH Study Section ZRG1 ETTN-B, 2010
President, Medical Strollers, 2010
Visiting Professor, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, England, 2010
Visiting Professor, MGH, Harvard, 2010
Visiting Professor, U. Rochester, 2010
Wellcome Trust Grant, 2010
CTSC GRANT UL1-RR024996, 2010
American Academy of Neurological Surgery, 2010
Visiting Professor, Johns Hopkins, 2010
Visiting Professor, Bombay Neurological Association, India, 2011
Visiting Lecturer, Dr. Balabhatic Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai, India, 2011
Distinguished Skull Base Professor, University of Pennsylvania, 2011
Visiting Professor, Dept of Neurobiology, Barrow Neurological Institute, 2011
Visiting Professor, Dept of Neurosurgery, Jefferson Med Cntr, 2011
Visiting Professor, Dept of Neurosurgery, University of Michigan, 2011
Honored Guest, Mexican Neurosurgical Congress, 2011
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Psychology, University of Sheffield, England, 2011
NSADA K21 (Mentor), 2012
Kingswood-Oxford Stroud Science Symposium Lecture, 2012
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Neurosurgery, North Shore-LIJ, 2012
Honored Guest, 1st International Forum on Skull base Trauma and Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery and 1st Workshop on Endoscopic Skull base Surgery and 12th Workshop on Latest Neurosurgical Advancements, Neurosurgical Department of Changzheng Hospital, Shanghai, China, 2012
Visiting Professor, Dept of Neurosurgery, Yale-New Haven Medical Center, 2012
International Faculty, 5th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain, 2012
Skull Base and Spine, Vienna, Austria, 2012
Honored Guest, Society for British Neurosurgeons, Aberdeeen, Scotland, 2012
Voices Against Brain Cancer Honoree, 2012
NINDS R21 (NS 078644), 2013-15
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Lennox Hill, 2013
Honored Guest, NUHS Dept. of Neurosurgery, Singapore, 2013
Plenary Lecture, Rhinology Meeting, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2013
Plenary Lecture, International League against Epilepsy Meeting, Montreal, 2013
Plenary Lecture, Mexican Neurosurgical Congress, 2013
Honored Guest Lecturer, 1st Dandy Division of Skull Base Surgery, 2013
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Stanford University, 2013
Gentle Giant Award, Pituitary Network Association, 2013
Editorial Board, Journal of Neurosurgery, 2013
Honored Guest Lecturer, Methodist Hospital, 2013
Visiting Professor, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2014
Board of Trustees, The Dalton School, 2014
Visiting Professor, University of Maryland, 2014
Honored Guest Lecturer, Oncology Symposium, Cartagena, Columbia, 2014
David and Ursel Barnes Endowed Professor of Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, 2014
International Faculty, 6th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain, 2014
Skull Base and Spine, Milan, Italy
Invited Faculty, George Ojemann Symposium, 2014
Invited Faculty, European Association of Neurosurgical Societies Meeting, Prague, 2014
Keynote Speaker, 28th Epilepsy Society of Australia Meeting, 2014
Best Poster, 5th London-Innsbruck Colloquium on Acute Seizures, 2015
Keynote Speaker, 4th Symposium on Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery, Kocaeli, Turkey, 2015
Honored Guest Speaker, 2nd International Congress of Neurosurgery, Ain Shams, Cairo, Egypt, 2016
Scientific Director, EndoChicago, 2016
Advisory Board, Acta Neurochirurgica, 2016
Honored Guest, International Congress of the Hypophysis, Mexico City 2016
Visiting Professor, INOVA, Fairfax, Virginia 2016
K 12 (NRDCP) Study Section 2016
Honored Guest, Saudi Arabia Neurosurgical Society 2017
Honored Guest Lecture, 20 Years of Neuroendoscopy, Naples, Italy 2017
Honored Guest, Spanish Skull Base Society, Valencia, Spain 2017
Honored Guest, XXVIII Columbian Neurosurgical Society 2018
Chair, Journal of Neurosurgery Editorial Board 2018
Honored Guest, 7th Annual World Course in Advanced Brain Tumor Surgery 2018
Plenary Lecture, Congress of Neurosurgery 2018
Robert M. Ellsworth Lecturer, Department of Ophthalmology, Weill Cornell 2019
Honored Guest, 3rd Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Endoscopic Neurosurgery, 2019
Plenary Lecture, 16th International Pituitary Congress, 2019
Medical Advisory Board, Cushing Support and Research Foundation, 2019 Honored Guest, 8th Annual World Course in Advanced Brain Tumor Surgery, 2019
The 2019 Alfred Washington Adson Distinguished Lecturer, Mayo Clinic, 2019
Honoree, The Brain Tumor Foundation, 2019

Professional Activity:

Ad-Hoc Manuscript Reviewer 2001-present
Epilepsia, Neurosurgery, Surgical Neurology, Neurology, Brain Research, Ann. Neurology, Journal of Neuroscience, Trends in Neuroscience, Clinical Neurology and Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Disease, NeuroReport, NeuroImage, Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Lancet Neurology, Skull Base, European Journal of Neurology, Journal of Neuro-Oncology, Applied Optics, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, World Neurosurgery. Journal of Neurosurgery, European Journal of Neuroscience
Editorial Board Epilepsy Currents 2004-2011
Editorial Board Epilepsy Research and Treatment 2009-present
Editorial board World Neurosurgery 2010-present
Editorial Board Frontiers in Neuro-Oncology 2012-present
Editorial Board Journal of Neurosurgery 2013-present
Editorial Board Frontiers in Endocrinology (Pituitary) 2014-present
Editorial Board Acta Neurochirurgica 2016-present

Grant Review
Ad-Hoc Grant Reviewer 2001-present
CURE Foundation, Human Frontiers Science Program, Elsberg Grant, Burroughs Welcome Trust, Congress of Neurosurgeons Research Fellowship, NINDS, Epilepsy Research UK, CTSC-WCMC, Israel Science Foundation
NIH study section NCRC, GCRC Reviewer 2005
NIH Study Section NSD C Tuberous Sclerosis Workgroup 2005
NIH Study Section NINDS NSD-C, Permanent member 2006-2011
NIH Study Section NIBIB 06-003 RFA 2007
NIH study section NINDS ZNS1 SRB-B 2008
NIH study section ZNS1 SRB-B 12 2009
NIH study section ZNS1 SRB-B 17 2009
NIH study section ZNS1 SRB-S 20 2009
NIH study section ZRG1 ETTN-B 90 2010
NIH study section NRCDP 2016

Other Extramural Responsibilities
Van Wagenen Fellowship Cmtee AANS 1999-present
Scientific Program Committee AES 2001-02
Investigator Workshop Committee AES 2001-03
Instructor AANS Board Review Course 2002-04
Physician’s Advisory Board Epilepsy Foundation of New York 2003-07
Faculty Lecturer New York Roentgen Society Meeting 2004
Fellowship Committee CNS 2004-05
Course Director The Art of Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery 2005
Course Director Advanced Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery 2005
Scientific Advisory Board Citizen’s United for Research in Epilepsy 2005-08
Bylaws Committee CNS 2006-08
Instructor Endoscopic Skull Base Course, NASBS 2006
Publication Committee AANS 2006-09
Instructor Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery, Naples 2006
Scientific Advisory Board Confluent Surgical, Inc 2007-09
Director Endoscopic Skull Base Course, NASBS 2007
Scientific Committee 2nd World Congress for Endoscopic 2007
Surgery of the Brain, Skull Base and Spine
Dissection Course Organizer NASBS 2007
Scientific Program Committee CNS 2007
Practical Courses Committee CNS 2007
Faculty Lecturer Oncology Summit: Discovery to Delivery 2008
Faculty, Breakfast Seminar AANS, Parasellar Surgery 2008
Faculty, Practical Course AANS, Intracranial Endoscopy 2008
Scientific Committee 3rd World Congress for Endoscopic 2008
Surgery of the Brain, Skull Base and Spine
Course Director, CNS How to Write an NIH Grant 2008
Research Committee AANS 2008
Research Committee NASBS 2008
Van Wagenen Selection Cmtee AANS 2008
Dissection Course Organizer NASBS 2008
Academic Community Alliance CNS 2008
Scientific Program Committee CNS 2008
Session Moderator Brain Tumor Awareness Day, NYU 2008
Mentor for Junior Investigators AES 2008
Scientific Program Committee AES 2008-10
Seminar Chair Rhinology 2009 2009
Faculty, Breakfast Seminar AANS, Parasellar Surgery 2009
Faculty, Breakfast Seminar AANS, Open vs Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery 2009
Faculty, Practical Course AANS, Intracranial Endoscopy 2009
Scientific Advisory Board The Brain Tumor Foundation 2009-13
Faculty, Breakfast Seminar NASBS, New instruments and Technology 2009
Faculty, Skull Base Dissection NASBS, Sellar and Suprasellar Approaches 2009
Faculty, Resident Seminar NASBS, Endoscopic Management of Chordomas 2009
Leader, Sunrise Session Society for Neuro-Oncology, Endoscopy 2009
Faculty, Luncheon Seminar CNS, Pituitary Tumors 2009
Comm. on Applicants, Manhattan American College of Surgeons 2009
Course Director, IW AES 2009
Board of Trustees Scarsdale Youth Hockey 2009-11
President Medical Strollers 2010
Chair, Van Wagenen Committee AANS 2010
Moderator, Luncheon Seminar 4th World Congress for Endoscopic 2010
Surgery of the Brain, Skull Base and Spine
Moderator, Afternoon Seminar 3rd World Congress for Endoscopic 2010
Surgery of the Brain, Skull Base and Spine
Faculty, Breakfast Seminar AANS, Parasellar Surgery 2010
Faculty, Practical Course AANS, Intracranial Endoscopy 2010
Moderator, Breakfast Seminar ASSFN 2010
Faculty Emory University Neuro-Endoscopy Course 2010
Comm. on Applicants, Manhattan American College of Surgeons 2010
Scientific Program Committee CNS 2010
Course Director CNS, Intracranial Endoscopy 2010
Faculty, Luncheon Seminar CNS, Skull Base Endoscopy 2010
Course Director Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery, Anspach 2010
Chair Van Wagenen Selection Committee 2010
Invited International Faculty Anterior Skull Base Surgery Workshop, 2011
Mumbai, India
Faculty, Skull Base Dissection NASBS, Sellar and Suprasellar Approaches 2011
Scientific Program Director Neurosurgical Society of America 2011
Comm. on Applicants, Manhattan American College of Surgeons 2011
Faculty, Breakfast Seminar Parasellar Surgery, AANS 2011
Faculty CNS 3D Surgical Anatomy Course 2011
Faculty Masters in Neuroendoscopy, CNS 2011
Course Director Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery, Anspach 2011
Session Organizer Sunrise Session, Society for Neuro-Oncology 2011
Course Co-Director Epilepsy and Brain Tumor SIG, AES 2011
Faculty Annual Masters Course in Skull base Surgery, USF 2012
Faculty, Skull Base Dissection NASBS, Sellar and Suprasellar Approaches 2012
Faculty, 3D Endoscopy Course Montefiore Institute for Min Invas. Surg 2012
Faculty, Luncheon Seminar AANS Spine section Meeting 2012
Honored Guest Changzheng Hospital, Shanghai, China 2012
Editorial Board Frontiers in Neuro-Oncology 2012
International Faculty 5th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery, Austria 2012
Abstract Reviewer Tumor section, AANS
Faculty Transsphenoidal Surgery Workshop, AANS 2012
Faculty, Breakfast Seminar Parasellar Surgery, AANS 2012
Honored Guest Lecturer Society for British Neurosurgery 2012
Panelist University of Neurosurgery Webinar 2012
Chair, Research Committee NASBS 2012
Guest Faculty 11th Ann Intl Neuro-Onc Update, Johns Hopkins 2012
Faculty Masters in Neuroendoscopy, CNS 2012
Faculty, Luncheon Seminar Skull Base Endoscopy. Utility and Limitations, CNS 2012
Faculty, Luncheon Seminar Open Skull base Surgery, CNS 2012
Seminar Organizer Brachytherapy for Resected Brain Metastases, SNO 2012
Abstract Reviewer Tumor Satellite Meeting, AANS 2013
Scientific Advisory Committee Tumor Satellite Meeting, AANS 2013
Faculty, Skull Base Dissection NASBS, Sellar and Suprasellar Approaches 2013
Lecturer, Practical Course North American Skull Base Society 2013
Panelist North American Skull Base Society 2013
Moderator, Breakfast Seminar North American Skull Base Society 2013
Plenary Lecture North American Skull Base Society 2013
Abstract Reviewer Tumor Satellite Meeting, CNS 2013
Honored Guest Lecturer NUHS, Singapore 2013
Faculty, Practical Course AANS, Intracranial Endoscopy 2013
Faculty, Practical Course AANS, Transsphenoidal Surgery 2013
Faculty, Practical Course AANS, Brain Neoplasms Update 2013
Faculty, Breakfast Seminar AANS, Parasellar Surgery 2013
Symposium Lecture AANS, The Future of Skull Base Surgery 2013
Symposium Lecture AANS, Stereotactic and Functional Section 2013
Faculty SNS Junior Resident Course “Bootcamp” 2013
Plenary Lecture ILAE Meeting, Montreal 2013
Plenary Lecture Mexican Neurosurgical Congress 2013
Guest Examiner American Board of Neurological Surgery 2013
Head Trauma Consultant NFL-NY Giants 2013
Plenary Lecture Endo v Open Skull Base Surgery CNS 2013
Faculty, Luncheon Seminar Skull Base Surgery, CNS 2013
Faculty Methodist Skull Base Course 2013
Faculty Emory Neuro-Endoscopy Course 2013
Panelist North American Skull Base Society 2014
Board of Trustees The Dalton School 2014
Plenary Lectures Columbian Symposium on Oncology 2014
Faculty, Practical Course Transsphenoidal Surgery, AANS 2014
Faculty, Practical Course Masters in Endoscopic Surgery, AANS 2014
Moderator Tumor-Related Epilepsy, AANS 2014
Invited Faculty 6th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery, Milan 2014
Faculty SNS Junior Resident Course- Bootcamp II 2014
Faculty Duke/Methodist Cerebrovascular and Skull Base 2014
Long-Range Planning Committee Neurosurgical Society of America 2014
Faculty UCSF Neurosurgery Update 2014 2014
International Faculty European Assoc. Neurosurgical Societies 2014
Faculty Brain Tumor Update Course, CNS 2014
Plenary Lecture Epilepsy Society of Australia 2014
Guest Faculty Emory Neuro-endoscopy Course 2014
Local Arrangements Committee Neurosurgical Society of America 2015
Long Range Planning Committee Neurosurgical Society of America 2015
Faculty Transsphenoidal Surgery, AANS 2015
Faculty Open v Endoscopic Skull Base Approaches, AANS 2015
Faculty SNS Junior Resident Course- Bootcamp II 2015
Surgeon Mission Brain Guadalajara, Mexico 2015
Plenary Lecture Mexican Neurosurgical Congress 2015
Faculty Brain Tumor Update Course, CNS 2015
Faculty Endoscopic and Keyhole Cranial Surgery, CNS 2015
Faculty Reconstructive Skull Base Course, CNS 2015
Faculty Inaugural One Health Veterinary Conference 2015
Guest Lecturer 4th Symposium on Endoscopic Surgery, Turkey 2015
Faculty 4th Annual Barrow Neuro-Oncology Symposium 2015
Meeting Organizer Optics and the Brain 2016
Guest Lecturer 2nd International Congress of Neurosurgery, Egypt 2016 Faculty Transsphenoidal Surgery, AANS 2016
Faculty Brain Tumor Update, AANS 2016
Faculty Open v Endoscopic Skull Base Approaches, AANS 2016
Scientific Director EndoChicago, 7th World Congress for Endoscopy 2016
Guest Lecturer/Moderator EndoChicago, 7th World Congress for Endoscopy 2016
Chair Van Wagenen Fellowship Selection Committee 2016
Advisory Board Acta Neurochirurgica 2016
Moderator, Luncheon Seminar Nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas, CNS 2016
Faculty Advanced Skull Base Surgery Course, Barcelona 2016
Faculty CNS Webinar, Endoscopic Suprasellar Approaches 2017
Faculty Brain Tumor Update, AANS 2017
Faculty Open v Endoscopic Skull Base Approaches, AANS 2017
Faculty Spanish Skull Base Society Meeting 2017
Plenary Lecture XXVIII Columbian Congress of Neurosurgery 2018
Chair, Editorial Board Journal of Neurosurgery 2018
Faculty Endoscopic Skull Base Practical Session, AANS 2018
Faculty Open v Endoscopic Skull Base Approaches, AANS 2018
Faculty Pre-Congress Dissection Course, EndoBarcelona 2018
Scientific Program Committee EndoBarcelona, 8th World Congress for Endoscopy 2018
Dissection Expert EndoBarcelona, 8th World Congress for Endoscopy 2018
Faculty 7th Ann. World Course in Adv. Brain Tumor Surgery 2018
Plenary Lecture Congress of Neurosurgery 2018
Faculty Case-Based Discussions, CNS 2018
Member ILAE/AES Joint Translational Task Force 2018
Faculty, Palm Beach Course in Complex Neurosurgery, 2019
Medical Advisory Board, Cushing Support and Research Foundation, 2019
Faculty, World Course in Advanced Brain tumor Surgery, 2019
Medical Advisory Board, ReDeisgn Health, 2019
Faculty, International Masters in Brain Tumor Surgery, 2019

Publications, Lectures and Presentations:

Peer Reviewed Articles

1. Haglund MM, Ojemann GA, Schwartz TH, Lettich E. Neuronal activity in human lateral temporal lobe during serial retrieval from short-term memory. Journal of Neuroscience 1994; 14(3):1507-1515.

2. Wilder TM, Schwartz TH, Carmel PW, Wood-Smith D. Dural ossification in a patient with Apert’s Syndrome. Annals of Plastic Surgery 1995; 34:420-423.

3. Schwartz TH, Lycette CA, Yoon SS, Kargman DE. Radiographic confirmation of third nerve fascicular anatomy. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1995; 59(3):338.

4. Schwartz TH, Solomon RA. Perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage: review of the literature. Neurosurgery 1996; 39:433-444.

5. Schwartz TH, Ojemann GA, Haglund MM, Lettich E. Cerebral lateralization of neuronal activity during naming, reading and line-matching. Cognitive Brain Research 1996; 4:263-273.

6. Schwartz TH, Yoon SS, Cutruzzola FW, Goodman RR. Third ventriculostomy: postoperative ventricular size and outcome. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 1996; 39(4):122-129.

7. Schwartz TH, Bazil CW, Walczak TS, Chan S, Nordli DR, Pedley TA, Goodman RR. The predictive value of electrocorticography in resection for limbic epilepsy associated with mesial temporal sclerosis. Neurosurgery 1997; 40:302-311.

8. Schwartz TH, Chang Y, Stein BM. Unusual intramedullary spinal vascular lesion: case reports. Neurosurgery 1997; 40:1295-1301.

9. Schwartz TH, Ojemann GA, Dodrill CB. Reading errors following right hemisphere injection of sodium amytal. Brain and Language 1997; 58:70-91.

10. Schwartz TH, Rabinowitz D, Unni V, Kumar VS, Smetters D, Yuste R. Networks of coactive neurons in developing layer I. Neuron 1998; 20:541-552.

11. Schwartz TH, De La Paz R, Nordli D, Resor S, Goodman RR. Functional MRI localization of ictal onset to dysplastic cleft with intraoperative electrophysiologic confirmation and clinical follow-up. Neurosurgery 1998; 43:639-645.

12. Schwartz TH, Devinsky O, Doyle W, Perrine K. Preoperative predictors of anterior temporal language areas. Journal of Neurosurgery 1998; 89:962-970.

13. Schwartz TH, Payne CR, Duong H, Pile-Spellman JP, Holtzman RNN. Spontaneous resolution of a postoperative residual aneurysm neck: case report. Journal of Neurovascular Disease 1998; 3;6:253-256.

14. Schwartz TH, Kim S, Glick RS, Bagiella E, Fetell MR, Balmaceda C, Stein BM, Sisti MB, Bruce JN. Adult supratentorial ependymomas. Neurosurgery 1999; 44;4:721-731.

15. Schwartz TH, Devinsky O, Doyle W, Perrine K. Function specific high probability “nodes” identified in posterior language cortex. Epilepsia 1999; 40;5:575-583.

16. Schwartz TH, Ho B, Bruce JN, Feldstein NA, Goodman RR. Ventricular volume following third ventriculostomy. Journal of Neurosurgery 1999; 91;1:20-25.

17. Aguilo A, Schwartz TH, Kumar VS, Peterlin ZA, Tsiola A, Soriano E, Yuste R. Involvement of Cajal-Retzius neurons in spontaneous correlated activity of embryonic and postnatal layer I from wild type and reeler mice. Journal of Neuroscience 1999; 19;24:10856-10868.

18. Schwartz TH, Hibshoosh H, Riedel C. Estrogen and progesterone receptor-negative T11 vertebral hemangioma presenting as a post-partum compression fracture: case report and management. Neurosurgery 2000; 46:218-221.

19. Schwartz TH, Mayer S. Quadrigeminal variant of perimesencephalic nonaneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurosurgery 2000; 46:584-588.

20. Schwartz TH, McCormick PC. Intramedullary ependymomas. Clinical presentation, surgical treatment strategies and prognosis. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2000; 47;3:211-218.

21. Schwartz TH, McCormick PC. Non-neoplastic intramedullary pathology. Diagnostic dilemma: To bx or not to bx. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2000; 47;3:283-292.

22. Schwartz TH, McCormick PC. Introduction. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2000; 47;3:187.

23. Schwartz TH, Haglund MM, Lettich E, Ojemann GA. Asymmetrical activity of human temporal lobe neocortical neurons during rhyming and line-matching. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2000; 12;5:802-812.

24. Schwartz TH, Bazil CW, Forgione M, Bruce JN, Goodman RR. Do reactive post-resection “injury” spikes exist? Epilepsia 2000; 41;11:1463-1468.

25. Schwartz TH, Bonhoeffer T. In vivo optical mapping of neocortical epilepsy and surround inhibition. Epilepsia 2000; 41;7:50.

26. Schwartz TH, Bruce JN. Extended frontal approach with bilateral orbitofrontoethmoidal osteotomies for removal of a giant extracranial schwannoma in the nasopharynx, sphenoid sinus and parapharyngeal space. Surgical Neurology 2001; 55;5:270-274.

27. Schwartz TH, Bonhoeffer T. In vivo optical mapping of neocortical epilepsy and inhibitory surround in ferret cerebral cortex. Nature Medicine 2001; 7;9:1063-1067.

28. Schwartz TH, Spencer DD. Strategies for reoperation after comprehensive epilepsy surgery. Journal of Neurosurgery 2001; 95;4:615-623.

29. Schwartz TH, Rhiew R, Isaacson S, Orazi A, Bruce JN. Association between intracranial plasmacytoma and multiple myeloma. A clinicopathological outcome study. Neurosurgery 2001; 49;5:1039-1045.

30. Holodny AI, Schwartz TH, Ollenschleger M, Liu W-C, Schulder M. Tumor involvement of the corticospinal tract: diffusion magnetic resonance tractography with intraoperative correlation. Case illustration. Journal of Neurosurgery 2002; 95;6:1082.

31. Schwartz TH, Marks DM, Pak J, Mandelbaum D, Holodny AI, Schulder M. Standardization of amygdalo-hippocampectomy with intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging. Preliminary experience. Epilepsia 2002; 43;4:430-436.

32. Barone D, Schwartz TH. Surgical options for seizure disorders. JAAPA 2003; 16:2:29-35.

33. Schwartz TH, Farkas J. Quadrigeminal non-aneurysmal subarchnoid hemorrhage. A true variant of perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2003; 105:95-98.

34. Schwartz TH. Optical imaging of epileptiform events in visual cortex in response to patterned photic stimulation. Cerebral Cortex 2003; 13;12:1287-1928.

35. Angevine P, Parsa A, Schwartz TH, McCormick P. Ventral approach: extrapleural thoracotomy. Techniques in Neurosurgery 2003; 8;2:122-129.

36. Windrem MS, Nunes MC, Rashbaum WK, Schwartz TH, Goodman RA, McKhann G, Roy NS, Goldman SA. Fetal and adult human oligodendrocyte progenitor cell isolates myelinate the congenitally dysmyelinated brain. Nature Medicine 2004; 10;1: 93-7.

37. Mack PF, Perrine K, Kobylarz E, Schwartz TH, Lien CA. Dexmedetomidine and neurocognitive testing in awake craniotomy. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology 2004;16;1: 20-5.

38. Schwartz TH, Chen, L-M, Friedman RM, Spencer DD, Roe AW. Intraoperative optical imaging of face topography in human somatosensory cortex. Neuroreport 2004;15;1527-1532.

39. Suh M, Bahar S, Mehta A, Schwartz TH. Temporal dependence in uncoupling of blood volume and oxygenation during interictal epileptiform events in rat neocortex. Journal of Neuroscience 2005: 25:1;68-77.

40. Placantonakis DG, Ney G, Edgar M, Souweidane M, Hosain S, Schwartz TH. Neurosurgical management of medically intractable epilepsy associated with Hypomelanosis of Ito. Epilepsia 2005: 46;2: 329-331.

41. Schwartz TH. The application of optical recording of intrinsic signals to simultaneously acquire functional, pathological and localizing information and its potential role in neurosurgery. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 2005;83;1:36-44.

42. Heller SL, Heier L, Watts R, Schwartz TH, Zelenko N, Doyle W, Devinsky O. Evidence of cerebral reorganization following perinatal stroke demonstrated with fMRI and DTI tractography. Journal of Clinical Imaging 2005;29:283-287.

43. Mehta AD, Labar D, Dean A, Harden C, Hosain S, Pak J, Marks D, Schwartz TH. Frameless stereotactic placement of depth electrodes. Journal of Neurosurgery 2005;102:1040-1045.

44. Luther N, Greenfield JP, Chadburn A, Schwartz TH. Intracranial nasal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma: immunopathologically-confirmed case and review of the literature. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2005; 75:185-188.

45. Schwartz TH, Stieg PE, Anand VK. Endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery with intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging. Neurosurgery 2006 58; 1 Suppl:ONS44-ONS51.

46. Shariff S, Suh M, Zhao M, Ma H, Schwartz TH. Recent developments in oximetry and perfusion-based mappng techniques and their role in the surgical treatment of neocortical epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior 2006:8:363-375.

47. Bahar S, Suh M, Zhao M, Schwartz TH. Intrinsic optical signal imaging of neocortical seizures: the 'epileptic dip'. NeuroReport 2006:17:499-503

48. Schwartz TH, Jeha L, Tanner A, Bingaman W, Sperling MR. Late seizures in patients initially seizure free after epilepsy surgery. Epilepsia 2006;3:1-7.

49. Suh M, Bahar S, Mehta AD, Schwartz TH. Blood volume and hemoglobin oxygenation response following electrical stimulation of human cortex. NeuroImage 2006:31;66-75.

50. Kuo Y-H, Edgar MA, Luther N, Schwartz TH. Novel low-grade glioneuronal neoplasm presenting in an octogenarian. Case report and review of the literature. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 2006:108;426-432.

51. Sim FJ, Lang JK, Waldau B, Roy NS, Schwartz TH, Pilcher WH, Chandross KJ, Natesan S, Merrill JE, Goldman SA. Complementary patterns of gene expression by human oligodendrocyte progenitors and their environment predict determinants of progenitor maintenance and differentiation. Annals of Neurology 2006;59:763-779.

52. Molholm S, Sehatpour P, Mehta AD, Shpaner M, Gomez-Ramirez M, Ortigue S, Dyke JP, Schwartz TH, Foxe JJ. Audio-visual multisensory integration in superior parietal lobule revealed by human intracranial recordings. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2006;96:721-729.

53. Suh M, Ma H, Zhao M, Shariff S, Schwartz TH. Neurovascular coupling and oximetry during epileptic events. Molecular Neurobiology 2006:33;3:181-197.

54. Anand VK, Schwartz TH, Hiltzik DH, Kacker A. Endoscopic transphenoidal pituitary surgery with real-time intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging. American Journal of Rhinology 2006;20(4):401-5.

55. Dyke JP, Sanelli PC, Serventi JM, Stieg PE, Schwartz TH, Ballon D, Shungu DC, Pannullo SC. Monitoring the effects of BCNU chemotherapy wafers (Gliadel®) in glioblastoma multiforme with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging at 3.0 Tesla. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2007;82(1):103-10.

56. Laufer I, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic, endonasal extended transsphenoidal, transplanum, transtuberculum approach for resection of suprasellar lesions. Journal of Neurosurgery 2007;106:3:400-406.

57. Tabaee A, Placantonakis D, Schwartz TH, Anand VK. Intrathecal fluorescein in endoscopic skull base surgery. Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 2007;137:2:316-320.

58. Tabaee A, Anand VK, Brown S, Lin JW, Schwartz TH. Algorithm for reconstruction following endoscopic skull base surgery. Laryngoscope 2007;117(7):1133-1137.

59. Brown S, Anand VK, Tabaee A, Schwartz TH. The role of perioperative antibiotics in endoscopic skull base surgery. Laryngoscope 2007:117(9) 1528-1532.

60. Placantonakis D, Tabaee A, Anand VK, Hitzlik D, Schwartz TH. Safety of low dose intrathecal fluorescein in endoscopic skull base surgery. Neurosurgery 2007:61(3 Suppl) 161-165.

61. Fraser JF, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic biopsy sampling of tophaceous gout of the odontoid process. Case report and review of the literature. Journal of Neurosurgery Spine 2007;7:61-64.

62. Zhao M, Suh M, Ma H, Perry C, Geneslaw A, Schwartz TH. Focal increases in perfusion and decreases in hemoglobin oxygenation precede seizure onset in spontaneous human epilepsy. Epilepsia 2007; 48:11:2059-2067.

63. Schwartz TH, Anand VK. The endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approach to the suprasellar cistern. Clinical Neurosurgery 2007; 54:1-10.

64. Harden CL, Huff JS, Schwartz TH, Dubinsky RM, Zimmerman RD, Weinstein S, Foltin JC, Theodore WH; Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Reassessment: neuroimaging in the emergency patient presenting with seizure (an evidence-based review): report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2007;69;1:1772-80.

65. Greenfield J, Schwartz TH. Catheter placement for ommaya reservoirs with frameless surgical navigation: technical note. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 2008;86:101-105.

66. Sehatpour P, Mulholm S, Schwartz TH, Mahoney JR, Mehta AD, Javitt DC, Stanton PK, Foxe JJ. Long-range oscillatory coherence across a frontal-occipital-hippocampal brain network during visual object processing: A human intracranial study. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2008, 18;105(11):4399-404.
67. Ayuso-Sacido A, Roy NS, Schwartz TH, Greenfield JP, Boockvar JA. Long-term expansion of adult human brain subventricular zone precursors. Neurosurgery 2008, 62:1;223-231.

68. Greenfield JP, Ayuso-Sacido A, Schwartz TH, Pannullo S, Souweidane M, Stieg PE, Boockvar JA. Use of human neural tissue for the generation of progenitors. Neurosurgery 2008:62;1:21-30.

69. Brown S, Tabaee A, Singh A, Schwartz TH, Anand VA. Three-dimensional endoscopic sinus surgery: feasibility and technical aspects. Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 2008;138:400-402.

70. Laufer I, Greenfield JP, Anand VK, Hartl R, Schwartz TH. Endonasal endoscopic resection of the odontoid in a nonachondroplastic dwarf with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Feasibility of the approach and utility of intraoperative iso-C 3D navigation. Journal of Neurosurgery Spine 2008;8:366-370.

71. Leng L, Brown S, Anand, VK, Schwartz TH. “Gasket-seal” watertight closure in endoscopic cranial base surgery. Neurosurgery 62;ONS Suppl 2:ONSE342-343, 2008.

72. Schwartz TH, Fraser JF, Brown S, Tabaee A, Kacker A, Anand VK. Endoscopic cranial base surgery: classification of operative approaches. Neurosurgery 62:991-1005, 2008.

73. Greenfield JP, Leng L, Chaudhry U, Brown S, Anand VK, Souweidane MM, Schwartz TH. Combined simultaneous endoscopic transsphenoidal and endoscopic transventricular resection of a giant pituitary macroadenoma. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 51;5:306-309, 2008.

74. Greenfield JP, Cobb WS, Tsouris AJ, Schwartz TH. Frameless stereotactic minimally invasive tubular retractor system (METRx™) for deep brain lesions. Operative Neurosurgery 63;2:ONS 334-340, 2008.

75. Fraser JF, Mass AY, Brown S, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Transnasal endoscopic resection of cavernous sinus hemangioma. Technical note and review of the literature. Skull Base 5;18:309-315, 2008.

76. Souweidane MM, Hoffman CE, Schwartz TH: Cavum septi pellucidi et Vergae: Implications for transcaval interforniceal endoscopic surgery of the third ventricle. Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics 2;231-236, 2008.

77. Labar DL, Ponticello L, Nikolov B, Bell S, Schwartz TH. Stimulation parameters after vagus nerve stimulator replacement. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface 11;2:132-134, 2008.

78. Leng L, Anand VK, Hartl R, Schwartz TH. Endonasal endoscopic resection of an os odontoideum to decompress the cervicomedullary junction - A minimal access surgical technique. Spine 34;4:E139-43, 2009.

79. Fraser J, Schwartz TH. Three-dimensional neurostereoendoscopy: subjective and objective comparison to 3D. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 52:1;25-31, 2009.

80. Zhao M, Ma H, Suh M, Schwartz TH. Spatio-temporal dynamics of perfusion and oximetry signals during ictal discharges in the rat neocortex. Journal of Neuroscience 9;2814-2823, 2009.

81. Tabaee A, Anand VK, Barrón Y, Hiltzik DH, Brown S, Kacker A Mazumdar M, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic pituitary surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Neurosurgery 111;3:145-154, 2009.

82. Ma H, Suh M, Zhao M, Perry C, Geneslaw A, Schwartz TH. Optical imaging of perfusion and oxymetry during epileptiform afterdischarges in human cortex. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 29;5:1003-10, 2009.

83. Ma H, Suh M, Zhao M, Perry C, Schwartz TH. Hemodynamics surrogates for neuronal activity maps during interictal epileptiform events in rat neocortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 101:2550-2562, 2009.
84. Tabaee A, Anand VK, Cappabianca P, Stamm A, Esposito F, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic management of spontaneous encephalocele of the lateral sphenoid sinus. Journal of Neurosurgery 112;5:1070-7, 2010.
85. Tabaee A, Anand VK, Barrón Y, Hiltzik DH, Brown SM, Kacker A, Mazumdar M, Schwartz TH. Predictors of short-term outcomes following endoscopic pituitary surgery. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 111;2:119-123, 2009.

86. Tabaee A, Anand VK, Brown SM, Fraser J, Singh A, Schwartz TH. Three-dimensional endoscopic pituitary surgery. Neurosurgery ONS Suppl 2:ONS288-295, 2009.

87. Knopman J, Sigounas D, Huang C, Kacker A, Schwartz TH, Boockvar JA. Combined supraciliary and endoscopic endonasal approach for resection of frontal sinus mucoceles: technical note. Minim Invasive Neurosurg 52;3:149-5, 2009.

88. Wernicke AG, Sherr DL, Schwartz TH, Pannullo SC, Stieg PE, Trichter S, Sabbas AM, Parashar B, Nori D. The role of dose escalation with intracavitary brachytherapy in the treatment of localized CNS malignancies: long-term follow-up of outcomes and toxicities of a prospective study. Brachytherapy 9;1:91-9, 2010.

89. Fraser JF, Nyquist GG, Moore N, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal transclival resection of chordomas: operative technique, clinical outcome, and review of the literature. Journal of Neurosurgery 112: 1061-1069, 2010.

90. Tabaee A, Nyquist G, Anand VK, Singh A, Schwartz TH Palliative endoscopic surgery in advanced sinonasal and anterior skull base neoplasms. Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 142;1:126-8, 2010.

91. Hofstetter CP, Singh A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic transpterygoidal approach to the pterygopalatine fossa, petrous apex, lateral sphenoid sinus and Meckel’s cave. Journal of Neurosurgery 113;5:967-74, 2010.

92, Plakantonakis D, Shariff S, Lafaille F, Labar D, Harden C, Hosain S, Kandula P, Schaul N, Kolesnik D, Schwartz TH. Bilateral electrodes for lateralizing epilepsy: efficacy, risk and outcome. Neurosurgery 55;2:274-283, 2010.

93. Nyquist GG, Anand VK, Mehara S, Kacker A, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic repair of anterior skull base non-traumatic cerebrospinal fluid leaks, meningoceles and encephaloceles. J. Neurosurgery 112:1070-1077, 2010.

94. Roth J, Singh A, Nyquist G, Fraser JF, Benardo A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Comparison of expanded endonasal and trancranial approaches to the midline skull base using standard two dimensional and novel three dimensional endoscope. Neurosurgery 65;6:1116-1129, 2009.

95. Fiebelkorn IC, Foxe JJ, Schwartz TH, Molholm S. Staying within the lines: Does the formation of visual boundaries influence multisensory feature integration? Eur. J. Neurosci. 31:1737-43, 2010.

96. Placantonakis DG, Schwartz TH. Localization in epilepsy. Neurol Clin. 27;4:1015-30, 2009.

97. Nyquist GG , Anand VK, Singh A, Tabaee A , Schwartz TH. The Janus flap. The bilateral nasoseptal flap for anterior skull base reconstruction. Oto Head Neck Surg 142:327-331, 2010.

98. Greenfield JG, Kacker A, Brown Tabaee A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic, endonasal, transethmoidal, transcribriform, transfovea ethmoidalis approach to the anterior skull base and anterior cranial fossa. Neurosurgery 62:5:883-892, 2010.

99. Cox M, Ma H, Bahlke ME Beck JH, Schwartz TH, Kymissis I. LED-based optical device for chronic in vivo perfusion measurement. IEEE 5;1:174-177, 2010.

100. Schaberg MR, Anand VK, Schwartz TH, Cobb W. Microscopic versus endoscopic transnasal pituitary surgery. Cur Opin Oto Head Neck Surg 18;1:8-14, 2010.

101. Fraser JF, Nyquist GG, Moore N, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal minimal access approach to the clivus: case series and technical nuances. Neurosurgery 66 (ONS Suppl 1):ONS150-158, 2010.

102. Nyquist GG , Anand VK, Brown S, Singh A, Tabaee A , Schwartz TH. Middle turbinate preservation in endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery of the anterior skull base. Skull Base 20;5:343-347, 2010.

103. Cobb W, Makosch G, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic transsphenoidal, transclival resection of an enterogenous cyst located ventral to the brainstem. Neurosurgery 67 (ONS Suppl 2): 0NS518-519, 2010.

104. Kasliwal MK, Greenfield JG, Schwartz TH. Simultaneous middle fossa arachnoid cyst and ambient cistern epidermoid cyst: Case report and endoscope-assisted microsurgical management. Pediatric Neurosurgery 46;2:151-4, 2010.
105. Wernicke AG, Sherr DL, Schwartz TH, Pannullo SC, Stieg PE, Boockvar JA, Ivanidze J, Moliterno JA, Parashar B, Trichter S, Sabbas AM, Nori D. Feasibility and safety of GliaSite brachytherapy in treatment of CNS tumors following neurosurgical resection. J Cancer Res Ther 6;1:65-74, 2010.
106. Schaberg M, Anand V, Schwartz TH. 10 Pearls for safe endoscopic skull base surgery. Oto Clin North Am 43:945-953, 2010.
107. Kasliwal MK, Anand VK, Lavi E, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic management of a rare case of nasal glioma in Meckel’s case in an adult: report of a case. Min Invas Neurosurg 53:191-193, 2010.
108. Katzen H, Ravdin LD, Assuras S, Heros R, Kaplitt M, Schwartz TH, Fink M, Levin BE, Relkin NR. Post-shunt cognitive and functional improvement in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). Neurosurgery 68;2:416-9, 2011.
109. Boockvar JA, Tsouris AJ, Hofstette CH, Kovanlikaya I,Fralin S, Kesavabhotia K, Seedial SM, Pannullo S, Schwartz TH, Stieg PE, Zimmerman R, Knopman J, Scheff RJ, Christos P, Vallabhajosla S, Riina HA. Safety and maximum tolerated dose of superselective intraarterial cerebral infusion of bevacizumab after osmotic blood brain barrier disruption for recurrent malignant glioma. J. Neuosurg. 114;3:624-32, 2010.
110. Hofstetter C, Mannah RM, Mubita L, Anand VK, Dehdashti A, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal approach for growth-hormone secreting pituitary adenomas. Neurosurgical Focus 29;4:E6, 2010.
111. Sampson JH, Archer G, Pedain C, Wembacher-Schröder E, Westphal M, Kunwar S, Vogelbaum MA, Coan A, Herndon JE, Raghavan R, Brady ML, Reardon DA, Friedman AH, Friedman HS, Rodríguez-Ponce MI, Chang SM, Mittermeyer S, Croteau D, Puri RK, Markert JM, Prados M, Chen T, Mamelak A, Cloughesy T, Yu J, Lillehei K, Piepmeier J, Pan E, Vrionis F, Olson J, Chandler J, Paleologos N, Byrne RW, Lesniak M, Weingart JD, Black P, Mikkelsen T, Uhm J, Bucholz R, Abrey L, Schwartz TH, Bruce J, Asher A, Sampson J, Tatter S, Barnett G, Chiocca AE, Delashaw JB Jr, Judy K, Patel S, Frankel B, Lang F, New P, Fink K, Jensen RL, Shaffrey M, Taylor L, Boling W, Badie B, Guha A, Mehta V, Hamilton M, Eisenstat DD, Pirouzmand F, Macdonald D, Del Maestro R, Fourney D, Westphal M, Mehdorn M, Goldbrunner R, Schackert G, Unterberg A, Ram Z, Cohen Z, Rappaport Z, Mooij JJ, Wolbers JG, Warnke P, Papanastassiou V. Poor drug distribution as a possible explanation for the results of the PRECISE trial. J Neurosurg. 113;2:301-9, 2010.
112. Butler JS, Mulholm S, Fiebelkorn IC, Mercier M, Schwartz TH, Foxe JJ. Common or redundant neural circuits for duration processing across audition and touch. J. Neurosci, 31;9:3400-6, 2011.
113. Hofstetter C, Shin BJ, Mubita L, Huang C, Anand VK, Boockvar JA, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal surgery for functional pituitary adenomas. Neurosurgical Focus 30;4:E10, 2011.
114. Roth J, Fraser J, Singh A, Benardo A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Surgical approaches to the orbital apex: Comparison of endoscopic endonasal and transcranial approaches using a novel 3D endoscope. Orbit 30;1:43-48, 2011.
115. Garcia-Navarro V, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Use of a side-cutting aspiration device for resection of tumors during endoscopic endonasal approaches. Technical Note. Neurosurgical Focus 30;4:E13, 2011.
116. Geneslaw A, Zhao M, Ma H, Schwartz TH. Tissue hypoxia during interictal spikes correlates with intensity of epileptic activity. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 31;6. 1394-402, 2011.
117. Komotar RJ, Starke RM, Raper DMS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. The endoscope-assisted ventral approach compared with open microscope-assisted surgery for clival chordomas: a systematic review World Neurosurgery 76;3-4:318-27, 2011.
118. Luther N, Rubens E, Sethi N, Kandula P, Labar DR, Harden C, Perrine K, Christos PJ, Schaul NS, Kolesnik DV, Nouri S, Dawson A, Tsouris AJ, Schwartz TH. Can acute electrocorticography obviate the need for chronic implantation of electrodes and predict outcome in a subgroup of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and a normal MRI? Epilepsia 52;5:941-8, 2011.

119. Nguyen J, Ferdman J, Zhao M, Huland D, Saqqa S, Ma J, Nishimura N, Schwartz TH, Schaffer CB. Sub-surface micrometer-scale incisions produced in rodent cortex using tightly-focused femtosecond laser pulses. Lasers in Surg and Med 43:382-291, 2011

120. Morgenstern PF, Osburn N, Schwartz TH, Greenfield JP, Tsouris AJ, Souweidane MM. Pineal region tumors: an optimal trajectory for simultaneous endoscopic third ventriculostomy and biopsy. Neurosurgical Focus 30;4:E3, 2011.
121. Leng L, Greenfield JP, Souweidane MM, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endonasal endoscopic resection of craniopharyngiomas. Analysis of outcome measures including extent of resection, CSF leak, return to productivity and body mass index. Neurosurgery 70;1:110-123, 2011.

122. Komotar RJ, Starke RM, Raper DMS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal versus open transcranial resection of anterior skull base meningiomas: a systematic meta-analysis of outcomes. World Neurosurgery 77;5/6:713-724, 2012.
123. Komotar RJ, Starke RM, Raper DMS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic versus transsphenoidal microscopic and transcranial resection of craniopharyngiomas: a systematic meta-analysis of outcomes. World Neurosurgery 77;2:329-41, 2012

124. Liotta D, Kacker A, Schwartz TH, Anand VK. Endoscopic management of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromas. Op. Tech.Otol-Head Neck Surg. 22;4:281-284, 2011.

125. De la Cruz E, Zhao M, Guo L, Ma H, Schwartz TH, Anderson S. Interneuron progenitor transplants attenuate the propagation of acute focal seizures in mouse neocortex. Neurotherapeutics 8;4:763-73, 2011.

126. Gomez-Ramirez M, Kelly SP, Molholm S, Sehatpur P, Schwartz TH, Foxe JJ. Oscillatory sensory selection mechanisms mediate intersensory attention to rhythmic auditory and visual input: a human electro-corticographic (ECoG) investigation J. Neuroscience 31;50:18556-67, 2011.

127. Garcia-Navarro V, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. The “Gasket-Seal” closure for extended endonasal endoscopic skull base surgery. Long-term efficacy in a large case series. World Neurosurgery 80;5:563-8, 2013.

128. Schwartz TH, Seung-Bong H, Bagshaw AP, Chauvel P, Benar C-G. Preictal changes in cerebral haemodynamics: review of findings and insights from intracerebral EEG. Epilepsy Research 97;3:252-66, 2011.

129. Zhao M, Nguyen J, Ma, H, Mozomi N, Schaffer CB, Schwartz TH. Pre-ictal and ictal neurovascular and metabolic coupling surrounding an ictal focus. J. Neurosci 31;37:13292-300, 2011.

130. Hofstetter CP, Nanszko M, Mubita L, Tsouris J, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Volumetric classification for giant pituitary macroadenomas predicts outcome and morbidity of endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery Pituitary 15(3):450-63, 2011.

131. Wang J, Yeager A, Schwartz TH, Westrich GH. Massive spontaneous acute-on-chronic subdural hematoma following coumadin administration. A case report. JBJS Case Connect. 1(2):e12, 2011.

132. McCoul ED, Anand VK, Bedrosian JR, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic skull base surgery and its impact on sinonasal-related quality of life. Int Forum All Rhin 2(2):174-81, 2012

133. Nyquist GG, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endsocopic management of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea Op. Tech. Otol-Head Neck Surg. 22;3:229-231, 2011.

134. Leng L, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic resection of craniopharyngomas Op. Tech. Otol-Head Neck Surg. Surgery 22;3:215-222, 2011.

135. Singh A, Wesell A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Surgical anatomy and physiology for the skull base surgeon Op. Tech. Otol-Head Neck Surg. 22;3:184-193, 2011.

136. Hofstetter, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic resection of pituitary adenomas Op. Tech. Otol-Head Neck Surg. 22;3:206-214, 2011.

137. McCoul ED, Schwartz TH, Anand VK. Vascularized reconstruction of endoscopic skull base defects Op. Tech. Otol-Head Neck Surg. 22;3:232-236, 2011.

137. McCoul E, Chow S, Lee D, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal resection of ventral skull base keratinaceous cysts. Int Forum All Rhin 2(3):258-63, 2012.

138. Anand VK, Schwartz TH, McCoul ED. Extended endoscopic skull base techniques. Op. Tech. Otol-Head Neck Surg. 22;4:253, 2011.

139. Woodworth GF, McCoul ED, Greenfield JG, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic management of anterior cranial fossa meningiomas Op. Tech.Otol-Head Neck Surg. 22;4:254-263, 2011.

140. McCoul ED, Schwartz TH, Anand VK. Endoscopic approach to the infratemporal fossa Op. Tech. Otol-Head Neck Surg. 22;4:285-290, 2011.

141. McCoul ED, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic approaches to the cavernous sinus Op. Tech. Otol-Head Neck Surg. 22;4:263-269, 2011.

142. Raper DMS , Komotar RJ, Starke RM, , Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic versus open approaches to the skull base: a comprehensive literature review. Op. Tech.Otol-Head Neck Surg. 22;4:302-307, 2011.

143. Attia M, Kandasamy J, Jakimovsky D, Bedrosian J, Alimi M, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. The importance and timing of optic canal exploration and decompression during endonasal resection of tuberculum sella and planum sphenoidale meningiomas. Operative Neurosurgery 71(1 Suppl Operative):58-67, 2012.

144. Komotar RJ, Starke RM, Raper DMS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal compared with microscopic transsphenoidal and open transcranial resection of giant pituitary adenomas: a systematic review of outcomes. Pitutiary 15(2):150-9, 2012.

145. McCoul ED, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Significant improvements in health-related quality of life after endoscopic anterior skull base surgery. A prospective study. J. Neurosurgery 117:498-506, 2012.

146. Stessin AM, Schwartz A, Judanin G, Pannullo SC, Boockvar JA, Schwartz TH, Steig PE, Wernicke AG. Does adjuvant external beam radiotherapy improve outcome for non-benign meningiomas? A surveillance epidemiology and end results (SEER)-based analysis. J. Neurosurgery 117(4):669-75, 2012.

147. Komotar RJ, Starke RM, Raper DMS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endoscopic skull base surgery: a comprehensive comparison with open transcranial approaches. Brit. J. Neurosurg. 26(5):637-48, 2012.
148. Raithatha R, McCoul ED, Woodworth GF, Schwartz TH, Anand VK. Endoscopic endonasal approaches to the cavernous sinus. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2(1):9-15, 2012.
149. McCrea HJ, Knopman J, Engel M, Riina H, Souweidane M, Schwartz TH, Greenfield JP. Concurrent anatomic hemispherectomy and thalamic artriovenous malformation resection. Childs Nerv Syst. 28(8):1273-7, 2012.
150. Lee DLY, McCoul ED, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal access to the jugular foramen: defining the surgical approach. J Neurological Surgery-Part B 73;352-341, 2012.
151. Bedrosian JC, Garcia-Navarro V, McCoul ED, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic balloon dilatation as an adjunct to extended endoscopic approaches to the skull base. J. Neurosurg. 116(6):1215-8, 2012.
152. Ma H, Schwartz TH. Dynamic neurovascular coupling and uncoupling during ictal onset, propagation and termination revealed by simultaneous in vivo optical imaging of neural activity and local blood volume. Cerebral Cortex 23;4:889-95, 2013.
153. Silva D, Attia M, Kandasamy J, Alimi M, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal posterior clinoidectomy. A technical note. Surg. Neurol Internatl. 3:64, 2012.
154. Mercier MR, Foxe JJ, Fiebelkorn IC, Butler JS, Schwartz TH, Molholm S. Auditory driven phase reset in human visual cortices: a mechanism for early multisensory integration. NeuroImage 79:19-29, 2013.
155. Dias L, Gebhard H Mtui EP, Anand V, Schwartz TH. The use of a ultraportable "USB" endoscope for education and training in neuroendoscopy. World Neurosurgery 79(2):337-40, 2013.

156. Komotar RJ, Starke RM, Raper DM, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal versus open repair of anterior skull base CSF leak, meningocele and encephalocele. A systematic review of outcomes. Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A. Central European Neurosurgery 74(4):239-50, 2013.

157. McCoul ED, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Long-term effectiveness of a reconstruction protocol using the nasoseptal flap after endoscopic skull base surgery. World Neurosurgery 81;1:136-143, 2014.

158. Silva D, Attia M, Kandasamy J, Alimi M, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. The endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal “above and below” approach to the retroinfundibular area and interpeduncular cistern – cadaveric study and case illustrations. World Neurosurgery 81;2:374-384, 2014.

159. Lancman G, Virk M, Shao H, Madhu M, Greenfield GP, Weinstein S, Schwartz TH. Vagal nerve stimulation versus corpus callosotomy in the treatment of Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome: a meta-analysis. Seizure 22(1):3-8, 2013.

160. Attia M, Patel KS, Kandasamy J, Steig PE, Spinelli HM, Riina HA, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Combined cranionasal surgery for spheno-orbital meningiomas invading the paranasal sinuses, pterygopalatine and infratemporal fossa. World Neurosurgery 80;6:e367-73, 2013.

161. Bedrosian JC, Raithatha R, McCoul ED, Akselrod O, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. A prospective study of post-operative symptoms in sinonasal quality-of-life following endoscopic skull base surgery: dissociations based on specific symptoms. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol 3(8):664-9, 2013.

162. Komotar RJ, Starke RM, Raper DMS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal versus open craniofacial resection of esthesioneuroblastoma World Neurosurgery 80;1-2:148-59, 2013.

163. Labar D, Dakov P, Kobylarz E, Nikolov B, Schwartz TH. Effects of responsive electrical brain stimulation on intracranial electroencephalogram spikes. Neuromodulation 6;4:355-62, 2013.

164. Patel KS, Zhao M, Ma H, Schwartz TH. Imaging pre-ictal hemodynamic changes in neocortical epilepsy. Neurosurgical Focus 34;4:E10, 2013.

165. Hersh EA, Virk MV, Shao H, Tsouris AJ, Bonci GA, Schwartz TH. Bone flap explantation , steroid use and rates of infection during craniotomy for implantation of sudural eledtrodes for epilepsy. J. Neurosurgery 119(1):48-53, 2013.

166. Patel KS, Moussazadeh N, Doyle WK, Labar DR, Schwartz TH. Efficacy of vagus nerve stimulation in brain tumor-associated intractable epilepsy and the importance of tumor stability. J. Neurosurgery 119(2):520-5, 2013.

167. Mascarenhas L, Moshel YA, Bayad F, Szentermai O, Salek AA, Leng LZ, Hofstetter CP, Placantonakis DG, Tsouris AJ, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. The transplanum transtuberculum approaches for suprasellar and sellar-suprasellar lesions. Avoidance of CSF leak and lessons learned. World Neurosurgery 82 (1/2): 186-95, 2014.

168. Patel KS, Komotar R, Szentirmai O, Moussazadeh N, Raper DM, Starke RM, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Case-specific protocol to reduce CSF leakage after endonasal endoscopic surgery. J. Neurosurgery 119;3:661-8.2013.

169. Rajappa P, Margetis K, Sigounas D, Anand VK, Schwartz TH, Greenfield JG. Case report: endoscopic endonasal trans-clival approach to a ventral pontine pediatric ependymoma. J. Neurosurgery Peds 12;5:465-8, 2013.

170. Rajappa P, Margetis K, Wernicke G, Ginter P, Cope W, Sherr DL, Lavi E, Fine RL, Schwartz TH, Bruckner H, Pannullo SC. Stereotactic radiosurgery plays a critical role in enhancing long-term survival in a patient with pancreatic cancer metastatic to the brain. Anticancer Res. 33(9):3899-903, 2013.

171. Patel KS, Labar DR , Gordon CM, Hassnain KH , Schwartz TH. Efficacy of vagus nerve stimulation as a treatment for medically intractable epilepsy in brain tumor patients. A case-controlled study using the VNS therapy Patient Outcome Registry. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy 22;8:627-33, 2013.

172. Mulholm S, Mercier MR, Liebenthal E, Schwartz TH, Ritter W, Foxe JJ, De Sanctis P. Mapping phonemic processing zones along human perisylvian cortex: an electro-corticographic investigation. Brain Structure and Function 219;4:1369-83, 2014.

173. Harris S, Bruyns-Haylett M, Kennerley A, Boorman L, Overton P, Ma H, Zhao M, Schwartz TH, Berwick J. The effects of focal epileptic activity on regional sensory-evoked neurovascular coupling and post-ictal modulation of bilateral sensory processing. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 33;10:1595-604, 2013.

174. Jakimovski D, Attia M, Bonci G, Hofstetter C, Tsouris AJ, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Incidence and significance of intraoperative CSF leak in endoscopic pituitary surgery using intrathecal fluorescein. World Neurosurgey 8;3-4; 513-23, 2014.

175. Komotar RJ, Starke RM, Raper DMS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endonasal versus transoral odontoid resection: systematic meta-analysis of outcomes. Innovative Neurosurgery 1;1:37-47, 2013.

176. Kulwin C, Schwartz TH, Cohen-Gadol AA. Endoscopic extended transsphenoidal resection of tuberculum sella meningiomas: nuances of neurosurgical technique .Neurosurgery Focus 35;6:E6, 2013.
177. Khan OH, Raithatha R, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Choosing the best approach in 3D endoscopic skull base surgery. Otolaryngologia 63;137-143, 2013.
178. Ottenhausen M, Banu M, Placantonakis DG, Tsiouris AJ, Khan OH, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal resection of suprasellar meningiomas: the importance of case selection and experience in determining extent of resection, visual improvement and complications World Neurosurgery 83;3/4:442-449, 2014.
179. Banu MA, Shin BJ, Kim JH, Woodworth GF, Bedrosian JC, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Low-dose intrathecal fluorescein and etiology-based graft choice in endoscopic endonasal closure CSF leaks. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 116:28-34, 2014.
180. Banu MA, Rathman A, Souweidane MM, Anand VK, Greenfield JP, Schwartz TH. Corridor-based endonasal endoscopic skull base surgery for pediatric skull base surgery with detailed radioanatomic measurements. Operative Neurosurgery 10;2:273-293, 2014.

181. Banu MA, Guerrero A, Rathman A, Souweidane MM, Anand VK, Heier L, Schwartz TH, Greenfield JP. Impact of skull base development on endonasal endoscopic surgical corridors. Clinical article. Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics 13;2:155-69, 2014.

182. Jo A, Heo C, Schwartz TH, Suh M. Nanoscale intracortical iron injection-induced chronic rodent epilepsy alters neurovascular coupling through a reduction in GABAergic interneurons. Journal of Neuroscience Research 92;3:389-97, 2014.

183. Bahramisharif A, van Gerven M, Aarnoutse E, Mercier M, Schwartz TH, Foxe J, Ramsey NF, Jensen O. Propagating neocortical gamma bursts are coordinated by traveling alpha waves. Journal of Neuroscience 33;48:18849-54. 2013.

184. Tebo CC, Evins AI, Christos PJ, Kwon J, Schwartz TH. Evolution of cranial epilepsy surgery complication rates: a 32 year systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Neurosurgery 120:6;1415-2, 2014.

185. Woodworth GF, Patel KS, Shin B, Burkhardt J-K, Tsouris AJ, McCoul ED, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Surgical outcomes using a medial-to-lateral endonasal endoscopic approach to pituitary adenomas invading the cavernous sinus. Journal of Neurosurgery 120:5;1086-94, 2014.

186. Patel KA, Goldenberg B, Schwartz TH. Betadine irrigation and post-craniotomy wound infection. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 118:49-52, 2014.

187. Rapoport BI, Hartl R, Schwartz TH. Cranial neuropathy due to intradural disc herniation. Neurosurgery 74:5;E561-5, 2014.

188. Alonso LM, Proekt A, Schwartz TH, Pryor KO, Cecchi GA, Magnasco MO. Dynamic criticality during induction of anesthesia in human ECoG recordings. Frontiers in Neuroscience 25;8:20, 2014.

189. Banu MA, Szentirmai O, Mascarenhas L, Al Amin S, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Pneumocephalus patterns following endonasal endoscopic skull base surgery as predictors of post-operative CSF leak. Journal of Neurosurgery 4:1-15, 2014.

190. Bedrosian J, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. The endoscopic endonasal approaches for iatrogenic and non-iatrogenic csf leaks and encephaloceles of the anterior cranial fossa. World Neurosurgery 82;6S:S86-S94, 2014.

191. Sekhar L, Mantovani A, Mortazavi M, Schwartz TH, Couldwell WT. Open vs. endoscopic: when to use which? Clinical Neurosurgery (in press).

192. Goldschlager T, Hartl R, Greenfield JP, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. The endoscopic endonasal approach to the odontoid and its impact on early extubation and feeding Journal of Neurosurgery 122;3:511-8, 2015.

193. Wernicke AG, Yondorf MZ, Peng L, Trichter S, Nedialkova L, Sabbas A, Kulidzhanov F, Parashar B, Nori D, Clifford Chao KS, Christos P, Kovanlikaya I, Pannullo S, Boockvar JA, Stieg PE, Schwartz TH. Phase I/II study of resection and intraoperative cesium-131 radioisotope brachytherapy in patients with newly diagnosed brain metastases. Journal of Neurosurgery 121;2:338-48, 2014

194. Harris S, Ma H, Zhao M, Boorman L, Zheng Y, Kennerley A, Bruyns-Haylett M, Overton PG, Berwick J, Schwartz TH. Coupling between gamma-band power and cerebral blood volume during recurrent acute neocortical seizures. NeuroImage 15;97:62-70, 2014.

195. Margetis K, Rajappa P, Tsiouris AJ, Greenfield JP, Schwartz TH. Intraoperative stereotactic injection of Indigo Carmine dye to mark ill-defined tumor margins. A prospective phase 1-2 study. Journal of Neurosurgery 122;1:40-8, 2015.

196. Harris S, Boorman L, Bruyns-Haylett M, Kennerley A, Overton PG, Ma H, Zhao M, Schwartz TH, Berwick J. Contralateral dissociation between neural activity and cerebral blood volume during recurrent focal neocortical seizures. Epilepsia 55;9:1423-30, 2014.

197. Golas AR, Boyko T, Boockvar JA, Schwartz TH, Stieg PE, Spector JA. Prophylactic plastic surgery closure of neurosurgical scalp incisions reduces the incidence of wound complciations in previously-opeated patients treated with bevicizumab (Avastin) and radiation J. Neuro-Oncology 119;2:327-31, 2014.

198. Ma H, Harris S, Rahmani R, Lacefield C, Zhao M, Daniel AS, Shou Z, Bruno R, Berwick J, Schwartz TH. Wide-field in vivo neocortical calcium dye imaging using a novel convection-enhanced loading technique combined with simultaneous multi-wavelength imaging off voltage sensitive dyes and hemodynamic signals. Neurophotonics 1;1:015003, 2014.

199. Khan OH, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal resection of skull base meningiomas: the significance of a “cortical cuff” and brain edema compared with surgical experience and case selection in predicting morbidity and extent of resection Neurosurgical Focus 37;4:E7, 2014.

200. Patel KA, Kazam J, Tsiouris AJ, Schwartz TH. Utility of early post-operative high resolution volumetric MR imaging after transsphenoidal pituitary tumor surgery. World Neurosurgery 82;5:777-80, 2014.

201. Yang T, Hakimian S., Schwartz TH. Intraoperative ECoG. Epileptic Disorders 16;3:271-9, 2014.

202. Conger AR, Lucas J, Zada G, Schwartz TH, Cohen-Gadol AA. Endoscopic extended transsphenoidal resection of craniopharyngiomas: Nuances of neurosurgical technique Neurosurgical Focus 37;4:E10, 2014.

203. Moussazadeh N, Culwin C, Iorgulescu B, Ting J, Cohen-Gadol A, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal resection of skull base chondrosarcomas. Journal of Neurosurgery 122;4:735-42, 2015.

204. Raza S, Donaldson. A, Mehta A, Tsiouris AJ, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. The surgical management of trigeminal schwannomas. Defining the role for endonasal endoscopic approach. Neurosurgical Focus 37;4:E17, 2014.

205. Rahmani R, Sukumaran, Lavi E, Schwartz TH. Parasellar xanthogranulomas. Journal of Neurosurgery 122;4:812-7, 2015.

206. McCoul ED, Bedrosian JC, Akselrod O, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Improvements in multidimensional quality-of-life after endoscopic pituitary adenoma resection. Journal of Neurosurgery 123;3:813-20, 2015..

207. Patel KS, Raza SM, McCoul ED, Patrona A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Long-term quality of life after endonasal endoscopic resection of adult craniopharyngiomas. Journal of Neurosurgery 123;3:571-80, 2015.

208. Raza SM, Banu MA, Patel KS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Sensitivity and specificity of intrathecal fluorescein and white light excitation for intra-operative cerebrospinal fluid leak in endoscopic skull base surgery. A prospective study. Journal of Neurosurgery 124;3:621-6, 2015.

209. Ye J, Yondorf M, Pannullo SC, Boockvar JA, Steig PE, Schwartz TH, Scheff RJ, Parashar B, Nori D, Chao KSC, Wernicke AG. Hypofractionated radiotherapy with concurrent temozolomide chemotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed RPA class V glioblastoma multiforme: promising early results Journal of Radiation Oncology 4;1:19-27, 2015.

210. Zhao M, McGarry LM, Ma H, Harris S, Harris S, Berwick J, Yuste R, Schwartz TH. Triggering seizures with caged rubi-4-aminopyridine Frontiers in Neuroscience 4;9:25, 2015.

211. Cappabianca P, Schwartz TH, Jane JJ, Zada G. Introduction. Endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery. Neurosurgical Focus 37;4:2014.

212. Szentirmai O, Hong Y, Mascarenhas L, Salek AA, Steig PE, Anand VK, Cohen-Gadol AA, Schwartz TH. Endonasal clip ligation of cerebral aneurysms: an anatomic feasibility study and future directions. Journal of Neurosurgery 124;2:463-468, 2016.

213. Banu MA, Ottenhausen M, Mehta A, Szentirmai O, Patel KS, Fraser JF, Tsiouris JA, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic-assisted endonasal versus supraciliary keyhole resection of olfactory groove meningiomas: comparison and combination of two minimally invasive approaches Journal of Neurosurgery 124;3:605-20, 2016.

214. Berastegui GRA, Raza SM, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endonasal endoscopic transsphenoidal chiasmapexy using a clival cranial base cranioplasty for visual loss from massive empty sella following macroprolactinoma treatment with bromocriptine: case report and literature review Journal of Neurosurgery 124;4:1025-1031, 2016.

215. Dziedzic T, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal approach to the lateral orbital apex. Case report. Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics 16;3:305-8, 2015.

216. Hsu A, Singh A, Bury S, Schwartz TH, Anand V, Kacker A. Endoscopic cerebrospinal fluid leak closure in an infected field All & Rhin. 29;4:305-8, 2015.

217. Jaiswal MJ, Keros S, Zhao M Inan M, Schwartz TH, Anderson SA, Homanics, GE, Goldstein PA. Seizure-reduction following transplantation of MGE interneurons requires expression of the GABAA receptor α4 subunit. Frontiers in Neuroscience 4;9:127, 2015.

218. Bander ED, Kovanlikaya I, Schwartz TH. Utility of tubular retractors to minimize post-operative FLAIR and diffusion signal in the brain in the removal of deep intraparenchymal lesions. Journal of Neurosurgery 124;4:1053-1060, 2016.

219. Mercier M, Mulholm S, Fiebelkorn I, Butler J, Schwartz TH, Foxe J. Neuro-oscillatory phase alignment drives speeded multisensory response times: an electro-corticographic (ECoG) investigation. Journal of Neuroscience 35;22:8546-57, 2015.

220. Daniel, AGS, Ma H, Laffont P, Zhao M, Schwartz TH. Optical electrocorticogram (OECoG) using wide-field calcium imaging reveals the divergence of neuronal and glial activity during acute rodent seizures. Epilepsy and Behavior 49:61-5, 2015.

221. La Corte E, Aldana PR, Ferroli P, Greenfield JP, Hartl R, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. The rhinopalatine line as a reliable predictor tool in the preoperative planning of endonasal odontoidectomies. Neurosurg Focus. 38;4:E16, 2015.

222. Cotter DJ, Woodworth G, Gupta SV, Manandhar P, Schwartz TH. Infrared thermal imaging during ultrasonic aspiration of bone. Physics Procedia 63;167-176, 2015

223. Cornelius NR, Schwartz TH, Nishimura N, Doerchuk PC. A mathematical model relating cortical oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin flows and volumes to neuronal activity. Journal of Neural Engineering12;4, 2016.

224. McCoul E, Patel A, Bedrosian J Anand VK; Schwartz TH. Intranasal cross-sectional area and quality-of-life changes following endoscopic transsphenoidal skull base surgery. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology 5;12:1124-1130, 2015.

225. Zhao M, Alleva R, Ma H, Daniel A, Schwartz TH. Optogenetic tools for modulating and probing the epileptic network Epilepsy and Behavior 116:15-26, 2015.

226. Zacharia BE, Romero FR, Rapoport SK, Raza SM, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal management of metastatic lesions of the anterior skull base: case series and literature review. World Neurosurgery 84;5:1267-1277, 2016.

227. Wernicke AG, Lazow SP, Yondorf MZ, Kovanlikaya I, Nori D, Chao KSC, Christos P, Boockvar JA, Panullo S, Stieg PE, Schwartz TH. Surgical technique and clinically relevant resection cavity dynamics following implantation of Cesium-131 (Cs-131) brachytherapy in patients with brain metastases Operative Neurosurgery 12;1:49-60, 2016.

228. Wernicke AW, Yondorf MZ, Parashar B, Nori D, Chao KSC, Boockvar JA, Pannullo S, Stieg PE, Schwartz TH. The cost-effectiveness of surgical resection and Cesium-131 intra-operative brachytherapy versus surgical resection and stereotactic radiosurgery in the treatment of metastatic brain tumors. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 127;1:145-154, 2016.

229. Yondorf MZ, Schwartz TH, Wernicke AW. Radiation exposure and safety precautions following cesium-131 brachytherapy in patients with brain tumors. Health Phys. 112;4:403-408, 2017.

230. Prabhu V, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Preservation of pituitary function after endonasal craniopharyngioma surgery. Case report and review of the literature, Cureus 7:8: e305, 2015.

231. Khan OH, Raithatha R, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. The utility of a Draf III in extending the endonasal endoscopic transethmoidal, transcribriform approach through the back wall of the frontal sinus. World Neurosurgery 85:136-142, 2016.

232. Patrona A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal surgery for non-adenomatous, non-meningeal pathology involving in cavernous sinus. Journal of Neurosurgery 126(3):880-888, 2017.

233. Dhandapani SS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endonasal endoscopic transsphenoidal resection of tuberculum sella meningioma with anterior cerebral artery encasement. Cureus 7;8:311, 2015.

234. Yang T, Bayad F, Schaberg MR, Sigounas D, Nyquist G, Bonci G, Patel K, Tsiouris AJ, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal treatment of pituitary apoplexy: outcomes in a series of 20 patients. Cureus 7;10:e357, 2015.

235. Ottenhausen M, Banu M, Bodhinayake I, Stieg PE, Schwartz TH. Vincent du Vignaud: following the sulphur trail to the discovery of the hormones of the posterior pituitary gland at Cornell Medical College. Journal of Neurosurgery 124;5:1538-1542, 2016.

236. Romero ADCB, Gangadharan JL, Gobin YP, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Managing arterial injury in endoscopic skull base surgery. Case series and review of the literature. Operative Neurosurgery 13;1:138-149, 2017.

237. Pham A, Yondorf MZ, Parashar B, Scheff RJ, Pannullo SC, Ramakrishna R, Steig PE, Schwartz TH, Wernicke AG. Neurocognitive function and quality of life in patients with newly diagnosed brain metastases after treatment with intra-operative Cesium-131 brachytherapy: a prospective trial. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 127;1:63-72, 2016.

238. McCrea H, George, Settler, Schwartz TH, Greenfield JG. Pediatric suprasellar tumors. J. Child Neurology 31;12:1367-1376, 2016.

239. Dhandapani S, Singh H, Negm HM, Cohen S, Souweidane MM, Greenfield JP, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endonasal endoscopic re-operation for residual or recurrent craniopharyngioma. Journal of Neurosurgery 126(2):418-430, 2017.

240. Singh H, Essayed WI, Cohen-Gadol A, Zadeh G, Schwartz TH. Resection of pituitary tumors: endoscopic versus microscopic. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 130;2:309-317, 2016.

241. Chohan MO, Levin AM, Singh R, Zhou Z, Green CL, Kazam JJ, Tsiouris AJ, Schwartz TH. Two-dimensional planar measurements versus three-dimensional volumetric measurements in defining giant adenoma surgery outcomes. Pituitary 19;3:311-321, 2016.

242. Wernicke AG, Smith AW, Taube S, Yondorf MZ, Parashar B, Trichter S, Nedialkova L, Sabbas A, Christos P, Ramakrishna R, Pannullo S, Stieg PE, Schwartz TH. Cesium-131 brachytherapy for recurrent brain metastases offers durable salvage treatment for previously irradiated patients. Journal of Neurosurgery 126(4):1212-1219, 2017.

243. Singh H, Essayed WI, Jada A, Moussazadeh N, Dhandapani SS, Rote S, Schwartz TH. Contralateral supraorbital keyhole approach to the medial optic nerve: an anatomico-clinical study. Journal of Neurosurgery 126;3:940-944,2017.

244. Inan M, Zhao M, Rajadhyaksha A, Pickel VW, Schwartz TH, Goldstein PA, Manfredi G. Energy deficit in parvalbumin neurons leads to circuit dysfunction, impaired sensory gating and social disability. Neurobiology of Disease 93:35-46, 2016.

254. Negm H, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Re-operative endoscopic endonasal surgery for recurrent pituitary adenomas after prior transcranial versus prior transsphenoidal surgery. Journal of Neurosurgery 93;35-46, 2016.

255. Murray R, Friedlander R, Hanz S, Anand VK, Schwartz TH Non-random spatial clustering of spontaneous anterior fossa meningoceles and encephaloceles causing cerebrospinal fluid leak Journal of Neurosurgery 126(5):1720-1724, 2017.

256. Zhang M, Singh H, Almadovar G, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Required reading: the most impactful articles in endonasal endoscopic skull base surgery. World Neurosurgery 92;499-512, 2016.

257. Jones SH, Iannone AF, Patel KS, Anchouche K, Raza SM, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. The impact of age on long term quality of life after endonasal endoscopic resection of skull base meningiomas. Neurosurgery 79;5:736-745, 2016.

258. Sonabend AM, Zacharia BE, Cloney MB, Sonabend A, Showers C, Eblana V, Nazarian M, Swanson KR, Baldock A, Brem H, Bruce JN, Buter W, Cahill DP, Carter B, Orringer DW, Sagher O, Sanai N, Schwartz TH, Silbergeld DL, Sisti MB, Thompson RC, Waziri AE, McKhann G 2nd. Defining glioblastoma resectability through the wisdom of the crowd: a roof-of-principle study. Neurosurgery 80(4):590-601, 2017.

259. Hirschfeld CB, Schwartz TH, Wernicke AG. Seed migration to the spinal canal after post-resection brachytherapy to treat a large brain metastasis. Brachytherapy 15;5:637-41, 2016.

260. Essayed WI, Singh H, Lapadula G, Almodovar-Mercado GJ, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal approach to the brainstem: anatomical feasibility and surgical limitations. Journal of Neurosurgery 127;5:1139-1146, 2017.

261. Barker FG, Fahlbusch R, Schwartz TH, Wisoff JH. Craniopharyngioma: current and emerging treatment modalities. Neurosurgical Focus 41(6):E, 2016.

262. Moussazadeh N, Prabhu V, Bander E, Cusic R, Tsiouris AJ, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal versus open transcranial resection of craniopharyngiomas: a case matched single institution analysis. Neurosurgical Focus 41(6):E7, 2016.

263. Bander ED, Singh H, Ogilvie CB, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal versus transcranial approach to tuberculum sella and planum sphenoidale meningiomas. Journal of Neurosurgery 128;1:40-48, 2017.

264. Dhandapani S, Singh H, Negm HM, Cohen S, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Cavernous sinus invasion in pituitary adenomas: systematic review and pooled data meta-analysis of radiological criteria and comparison of endoscopic and microscopic surgery. World Neurosurgery 96:36-46, 2016.

265. Cohen S, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Lumbar drains decrease risk of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak after extended endoscopic endonasal resection of suprasellar meningiomas in patients with high body mass index. Operative Neurosurgery 14;1:66-71, 2018.

266. Singh H, Rote S, Jada A, Almadovar-Mercado GJ, Hartl R, Anand VK. Schwartz TH. Greenfield JG. Endoscopic endonasal odontoid resection with real-time intraoperative image-guided computed tomography: report of 4 cases. Journal of Neurosurgery 128;5:1486-1491, 2017.

267. Esquenazi Y, Essayed WI, Singh H, Mauer E, Ahmed M, Christos PJ, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal versus microscopic transsphenoidal surgery for recurrent and/or residual pituitary adenomas. A systematic review and meta-analysis. World Neurosurgery 101:186-195, 2017.

268. Omay SB, Boockvar JA, Steig PE, Greenfield JP, Souweidane MM, Pisapia DJ, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Do craniopharyngioma molecular signatures correlate with clinical characteristics? Journal of Neurosurgery 128;5:1473-1478, 2017.

267. Almeida JP, Liang B, Sacit OB, Setty SR, Shetty SR, Chen Y-N, Anand VK, Christo P, Schwartz TH. Reoperation for growth hormone secreting tumors; Report on an endonasal endoscopic series and systematic review and eta-analysis of the literature. Journal of Neurosurgery 129;2:404-416, 2018.

268. Singh H, Essayed WI, Deb S, Hoffman C, Schwartz TH. Minimally invasive robotic laser corpus callosotomy: a proof of concept. Cureus 10;9;2:e1021, 2017.

269. Baird-Daniel E, Daniel AGS, Wenzel M, Li D, Liou J-Y, Laffont P, Zhao M, Yuste R, Ma H, Schwartz TH. Glial waves triggered by seizure activity are not essential for initiating ictal onset or neurovascular coupling. Cerebral Cortex 27;6:3318-3330, 2017.

270. Janjua MB, Caruso JB, Greenfield JP, Souweidane MS, Schwartz TH. The combined transpetrosal approach: an anatomic study and literature review. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 41:36-40, 2017.

271. Almeida JP. Sacit OB, Shetty SR, Ruiza-Trevino AS, Omay SB, Liang B, Chen Y-N, Anand VK, Levine B, Schwartz TH. Transorbital endoscopic eyelid approach for spheno-orbital meningiomas with predominant hyperostosis. Journal of Neurosurgery 159;10:1893-1907, 2017.

272. Wilson P, Omay SB, Kacker A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic pituitary surgery in the elderly. Journal of Neurosurgery 128;2:429-436, 2018.

273. Wernicke AW, Hirschfeld C, Taube S, Yondorf MZ, Kovanlikaya I, Nedialkova L, Kulidzhanov F, Trichter S, Sabbas A, Nori D, Christos P, Ramakrishna R, Pannullo S, Stieg PE, Schwartz TH. Clinical outcomes of large brain metastases treated with neurosurgical resection and intraoperative c esium-131 brachytherapy: results of a prospective trial. International Journal of Radiation. Biology, Physics. 98(5):1059-1068, 2017.

274. Almeida JP, Ruiza-Trevino AS, Shetty SR, Sacit OB, Anand VK, Levine B, Schwartz TH. Transorbital endoscopic approach for exposure of the sylvian fissure, middle cerebral artery and crural cistern: an anatomic study Acta Neurochirurgica 159;10:1893-1907, 2017.

275. Boatay J, Ogondo-Rivas E, Alalade AF, Schwartz, TH. Double pituitary adenomas. Are most commonly associated with GH- and ACTH-secreting tumors. Systematic review of the literature Pituitary 20;6:702-708, 2017.

276. Shetty SR, Ruiza-Trevino AS, Omay SB, Almeida JP, Liang B, Chen Y-N, Schwartz TH. Limitations of the endonasal endoscopic approach in treating olfactory groove meningiomas. A systematic review Acta Neurochirurgica 159(10):1875-1885, 2017.

277. Ottenhausen M, Rumalla K, LaCorte E, Alalade A, Nair P, Forbes J, Ben Nsir A, Schwartz TH. Treatment strategies for craniopharyngiomas. The Journal of Neurological Sciences 63;1:83-87, 2019.

278. Omay SB, Almeida JP, Setty SR, Shetty SR, Ruiza-Trevino AS, Almeida JP, Liang B, Chen Y-N, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Is the chiasm -pituitary corridor important for achieving gross total resection during endonasal endoscopic resection of craniopharyngiomas? Journal of Neurosurgery 129;3:642-647, 2018.

279. Chen Y.-N., Sacit OB, Shetty SR, Liang B, Almeida JP, Ruiz-Trevino AS, Schwartz TH. Transtubular excisional biopsy may be the procedure of choice for deep seated brain pathology. Case report and literature review. Acta Neurochirurgica 159(9):1589-1595, 2017.

280. Liang B, Shetty SR, Sacit OB, Almeida JP, Ni, S, Chen Y-N, Ruiz-Trevino AS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Predictors and incidence of orthostatic headache associated with lumbar drain placement following endonasal endoscopic skull base surgery. Acta Neurochirurgica159;8:1379-1385, 2017.

281. Alalade AF, Ogando-Rivas E, Boatay J, Souweidane MM, Anand VK, Greenfield JP,
Schwartz TH. Suprasellar and recurrent pediatric craniopharyngiomas: expanding indications for the extended endoscopic transsphenoidal approach. Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics 21;1:72-80, 2018.

282. Ottenhausen M, Rumalla K, Younas I, Minkowitz S, Tsiouris JA, Schwartz TH. Predictors of post-operative weakness after Rolandic meningioma surgery. Journal of Neurosurgery (in press; epub ahead of print).

283. Forbes J, Ban M, Lehner K, Ottenhausen M, LaCorte M, Alalade A, Anand VK, Greenfield JP, Schwartz TH. Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal resection of epidermoid cysts involving the ventral cranial base. Journal of Neurosurgery (in press; epub ahead of print).

284. Harris SS, Boorman LW, Kennerley AJ, Sharp PS, Martin C, Redgrave P, Schwartz TH, Berwick J. Seizure epicenter depth and translaminar field potential synchrony underlie complex variation in tissue oxygenation during ictal initiation. NeuroImage 1;171:165-175, 2018.

285. Ottenhausen M, Kavelin R, Alalade A, Nair P, La Corte E, Yonus I, Forbes J, Ben Nsir A, Banu MA, Tsiouris JA, Schwartz TH. Decision-making algorithm for minimally invasive approaches to anterior skull base meningiomas. Neurosurgical Focus 44(4):E7, 2018.

286. Hussain I, Schwartz TH, Greenfield JP. Endoscopic endonasal approach to the upper cervical spine for decompression of the cervicomedullary junction following occipitocervical fusion. Clinical Spine Surgery 31;7:285-292, 2018.

287. Zhang M, Azad TD, Singh H, Salam S, Jain S, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Lumbar puncture of injection of intrathecal fluorescein. Should it be avoided in a subset of patients undergoing endoscopic endonasal resection of sellar and parasellar lesions? Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B Skull Base 79;6:554-558, 2018.

288. Liou J-Y, Ma H, Wenzel M, Zhao M, Baird-Daniel E, Smith EH, Daniel A, Emerson R,
Yuste R, Schwartz TH, Schevon C. The role of inhibitory control in modulating long-range spread of focal ictal activity Brain 141;7:2083-2097, 2018.

289. Choi C, Colon-Berrios AR, Hamachi LS, Owen JS, Schwartz TH, Ma H, Kymissis I. Localizing seizure activity in the brain using implantable micro-LEDs with quantum dot downconversion. Advanced Material Technology DOI: 10.1002/admt.201700366. 2018.

290. Ottenhausen M, Alalade A, Rumalla K, Nair P, Baaj A, Hartl R, Kacker A, Greenfield JP, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Quality of life after combined endonasal endoscopic odontoidectomy and posterior suboccipital decompression and fusion. World Neurosurgery 116;e571-576, 2018 .

291. Younas I, Forbes JA, Avendano-Pradel R, Anand VK, Schwartz TH. Radiation therapy rather than prior surgery reduce the likelihood of gross total resection following endonasal endoscopic resection of recurrent craniopharyngiomas. Acta Neurochirurgica 160;7:1425-1431, 2018.

292. Singh H, Janjua MB, Ahmed M, Esquenzi Y, Dhandapani S, Mauer E, Schwartz TH, Souweidane MS. Factors influencing outcome in patients with colloid cysts who present with acute neurological deterioration. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 54:88-95, 2018.

293. Shin J, Forbes J, Lehner K, Tomasiewicz H, Schwartz TH, Philips, CD. Skull base 3D modeling of rigid buttress for gasket-seal closure using operative endoscopic imaging: cadaveric feasibility. J Neurological Surgery Part B 80:67-71, 2019.

294. Nagappan S, Liu L, Fetcho R, Nguyen J, Nishimura N, Radwanski RE, Lieberman S, Baird-Daniel E, Ma H, Zhao M, Schaffer CB, Schwartz TH. In vivo femtosecond laser sub-surface cortical microtransections attenuate acute rat focal seizures


Welcome to a new world of minimally invasive surgery for pituitary tumors, where specially trained neurosurgeons can use a patient's nasal cavities to gain access to tumors and remove them without making a single incision. This video celebrates Dr. Theodore Schwartz on the occasion of his being named the winner of the 2013 Gentle Giant Award from the Pituitary Network Association (PNA).

Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery at the Weill Cornell Brain & Spine Center , 2013

Educational Background:

Harvard College 1987

Harvard Medical School 1993

Columbia Presbyterian Neurosurgery Resdiency 1999

Yale-New Haven Fellowship in Brain Tumors and Epilepsy 2000

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